Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Slacker Update

Yes, I've been lax about posting again... sorry!  But, in my defense... I've been very busy!  Doing really fun stuff like sanding furniture, pouring over safety articles and registering for baby stuff!!  We found out almost 2 weeks ago that we are having a BOY!!!  We are so very excited & he's got the cutest profile...
This weeks marks 20 weeks pregnant... halfway!!  Next milestone is viability at 24 weeks... but we'll still shoot for 40 :).  Pregnancy is going well, was diagnosed w/ a partial placenta previa, but Dr. Shiny Head thinks it will move up as the baby gets bigger. Otherwise, just really tired & having some swelling in my feet and ankles at the end of the day, along with some pressure and stretchy feelings in my belly. I think the latter is due to Little Bean (BOY!) moving around and stretching out.  I feel very blessed.

The name game is still a go... Darling Hubby and I are at a disagreement about the names, but... we have time. I'd just like to be able to call him something!

In the meantime, continuing to round out, bump seems to be lower as baby comes up out of the pelvic area and the bloating in the upper belly goes down (finally).  Get another ultrasound at my next appointment in 2 weeks thanks to the low lying placenta... a blessing in disguise!  So happy to get another look at our son. So weird to say that... gotta get used to it! Son, son, son...

Friday, November 5, 2010

15w1d Update!

Life has been treating us pretty well these days, I'd say.  Our TV just died, the internet & cable got turned off (can't pay it till next week, sorry!), rent is still behind and my hubby is working 7 days a week/12 hour days.... but we are happy!  We are catching up on our bills, slowly but in the right direction.  Little Bean is doing wonderfully and we are really quite happy about it!

Monthly OB appointment was yesterday at 15weeks. I was hoping for an ultrasound, but got the doppler instead.  Was so fun to hear that heartbeat again & to see hubby's face light up when he heard it :)  Totally made my day... WHY don't I have a doppler yet!?? I really have to fix that.  But the best part is that I was able to schedule my Gender Scan!!  I am so excited to find out the gender... I am pretty convinced it is a girl, but totally prepared to be wrong.  Still almost 3 weeks away, I hope it goes quickly!

People are starting to ask on FB what names we've chosen & I'm just not sure I'm ready to share yet.... I don't give a hoot, really, what people think; but I am also not inclined to hear someone give me their negative opinion on a name that has taken us months to pick.  I know you can't please everyone, all the time, but I think once we know the gender & are 100% on the name, we'll share.  The girl name is easy... Genevieve Isabella. Classic, lovely, perfect.  The boy name is a bit harder.... early on we decided we would maybe use our fathers' names, because it would mean so much to them & we both love & respect our Daddies very much.  That name would be Nathaniel Grant (Father, FIL).  Good, strong name... perhaps Nate for short.  But i'm just not sure on it... I like it, quite a bit. But it doesn't do the same thing for me that the girls name does.  Also, I mentioned the name to my stepmother, whom I love dearly... and she was absolutely thrilled that we were thinking of using Nathaniel (my father, her husband) - apparently my cousins have said on several occasions that they were going to use the name but didn't. So it would mean quite a bit to them.  That alone makes me want to do it!

The only thing that makes me not sure is that our personality & style is quite different... the other name we are liking right now is Maverick Xavier.  Unique, strong, fun.  Certainly better than "Thor" (another story...).  So, I'm still a bit up in the air, I may wait until the gender scan to give it much more thought.  If it is a girl, well then... that was easy.  If it's a boy, I'll see how it feels then... and still have several months to change my mind. Because it's what I do best.  That, and trying to put my toaster away in the fridge...again.

Little Bean is doing well as far as I can tell, I increasingly feel stronger (though still slight) movements and 2 days ago, Hubby was able to see one of the stronger pokes, right through my shirt... "Whoa!!! How'd you DO that!?"  :) It was very cute, really.  More of a very small twitch, but at least it is starting to be visible... so fun!  One thing is for sure, though, I am getting progressively rounder.  That, in itself, makes me feel good; I keep expecting to find that the baby has stopped growing or something isn't right. We've waited so long for this, it still seems surreal to think that this may be my take-home baby... just unreal & I am loving it.  Taken in the bathroom at work... in a dirty mirror :)... Here's the proof that Little Bean is thriving:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fun With Cabbage

So I ran across something quite fun on the Interwebs yesterday... and perhaps because I've not had much to wee on lately (my TTC friends will understand this!), it sounded like fun!  So the idea is this... you chop up and boil down some red cabbage, then strain out the cabbage & save the water. The boil water is supposed to act like litmus paper & measure the acidity of your wee... supposedly a more alkaline result (blue/purple) is a girl and a more acidic result (red/pink) is a boy.  A Cabbage Gender Test!  Can you see, now, how I couldn't resist??  

I've been talking myself out of buying the Intelligender test ($39!?) so this seemed like a lovely alternative...AND I just happened (tee hee!) to have some cabbage.  So I collected & poured equal amounts of cabbage water & wee into a mason jar.... and.... it looked like cranberry juice.  Kind of a reddish purple... hey!!  What gives!?  But if I must be objective, I'd say it was more red than blue, so according to the Rather Silly, Really, Cabbage Test... it's a boy :) 

Ummm, yea, I'm totally not painting the nursery blue yet!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Dream of Baby

Blech.... home sick, day 2.  Hubby is recovering from the flu and I was afraid I'd caught it too... however, I think I've gotten lucky & it's just a sinus/ear infection combo.  Still sucks, but it's way better than having flu while pregnant!  Note to self: Go Get the Flu Shot!  Head is pounding & a bit dizzy, but I seem to be on the mend... woot.

So last night I had a really cool (fever?) dream... I dreamt of my baby.  I've dreamt of the same 2 children many times over the years, but I've never seen one of them in this much detail.  In my past dreams, there is a blonde haired toddler boy & a dark-haired infant girl... and I know that they are mine.  My gf who has some pyschic talents has told me that those are likely my children from a past life, coming to say hello... those dreams are always happy & peaceful.  This same dear friend also read that she didn't think I'd ever have children... and while I didn't want to believe it, I also believe her gift is true and good.  However, I also believe that circumstances change outcomes... I have had many changes in my life physically since that reading & believe that now I have children in my future, if I didn't then.  Maybe that right tube was blocked before the HSG? Maybe my exposure to paint fumes at my last job was keeping me from becoming pregnnat? I don't know, but I'm glad I am!

Anywho... I'd always assumed that those 2 children were my future babies, but I often wonder if the little boy was my ectopic pregnancy... or will I get to meet him in April?  It was the little girl that I dreamed of last night... she was perfect in every way... in my dream I was looking at her up close, loving every little detail.  She was tiny, so I'm thinking newborn; a head full of dark brown hair, tiny perfect ears, little pink lips and fingernails & long lashed dark blue eyes.  Very similar to how I looked as a baby, but enough differences that I knew I wasn't just filling in the blanks.  Is this my sweet little girl I'll get to meet in less than 6 months?  Oh, I do hope so....  Her dream image fits with the name we've chosen... Genevieve Isabella <3.  I'm already in love!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

50 / 50

50/50... the chances of having a boy or a girl...more or less.  I can't help but think girl... but that may be because we both are hoping for a girl.  And in hoping, think I am jinxing myself and that I'll have a boy.  Which of course, is fine too!  Boy or girl, we'll be happy... but I want to know now. Not in 4 weeks, not in 6 weeks, now please.  Sigh... I'm rarely this impatient, but I'm dying to call her (him!?) by name and buy her cute little dresses (overalls!?) and pick out bedding.  Now that I am finally convinced that we are really gonna have this baby (yay!) and not checking my panties every time I wee for a tinge of red. Having this peace of mind now, I'm ready to start registering!

It took me over a year to come to terms with the idea of registries.... I love having them for when I need to buy someone a gift because I know what they want or need.  Plus it reduces the risk of getting duplicates and junk they don't like or need.  But for myself, I couldn't help but feel it was like asking for presents... a huge no-no!!  But, after many hours of pouring over Emily Post's words of wisdom & reading countless others' posts of their own registry woes... I think it's a good thing.

With four sets of First Time Grandparents eager to spoil their new Grandbaby... it'd be good to tell them what we need, right?  Otherwise we may end up with no crib but 3 Diaper Pails. =)  Can I register for a breast pump!?  I'm so clueless....

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Whoa, Momma!!

Heading into the 2nd Trimester and my boobs are heading into the next county. Darling husband loves it, of course... but can't seem to keep his hands off them. Ouch. Quit it. This shit better slow down or I'll be a stinking J cup come delivery.

That said... I took my a belly pic at 11w4d yesterday, I really don't think I should be this big yet. Darling hubby keeps reminding me, "Have you SEEN the size of me!?" Good point, he's huge. I really shouldn't be thinking about tearing quite yet, should I??
Here it is!

(Pictures removed while I figure out why my layout is all jacked up!!)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Updates

It has occurred to me that for this blogging thing to work, I've actually got to write, don't I? Well I've got happy, wonderful news! In my last post, I wrote about it looking like I would ovulate from the right side... well I did, and got pregnant just a few days after I wrote that post! Here's the details:
9dpo - early morning HPT test, kind of thought I saw a line... but it was after the time limit. Had already scheduled blood work scheduled and she submitted some to the lab for an Hcg quantitative test. Later that evening, I got nice solid positive test on an HPT, then another, then at DH's insistence, on the digital test. I was over the moon!

10dpo - Nurse Freckles called with the results of my Hcg blood work and the result was 10... positive but still low. Years of TTC has showed me that it's really early for a high number and you've got to start somewhere... so I'm not worried.

Subsequent blood work shows great rises on P4 & Hcg... I'm pregnant! At 6w4d, we went for a viability ultrasound and were SO relieved to find that the baby was in the right place and measuring a few days ahead. The tech surprised us by flipping on the speakers when she found the heartbeat... we got to hear it!! I had no idea that was possible that early... I babbled, grinned and cried, it was awesome.

A few days after this scan, we headed North for our wedding. We shared the happy news with or family & friends and had an amazing wedding. Everything was near perfect and we were so very happy with the way our lives are heading <3>

I am now almost 11 weeks... we had our second scan last week and got to see our tiny little bean kick and wave... totally amazing. We are so very happy. I'm having a bit of a rough time with nausea and vertigo, but all in all... so worth it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Six Weeks & Counting...

Wow. Six weeks to the day left until the wedding, I'm starting to get nervous!! Nervous excited though, not nervous cold feet. :) The trip to NH went wonderfully, I had an awesome time with my friends & family & was spoiled rotten... life is good. The dress fits perfectly & I still love it... life is very good!

Monday marked the continuance of testing at INF office; Nurse Freckles had a little trouble finding a vein again, even last week's gusher wasn't cooperating. So, today it looks like I've got a track mark - but it seems to be fading. Also had the physical portion of my testing & all is well! It is looking like I will ovulate one egg (non-medicated) from my right ovary; I am pleased about this as it is the left side tube that is blocked. OPK is almost positive, maybe tonite... Welcome to Nookie Fest.

I am very sidetracked today... so much to do and so little time to do it! Oh, yay... quitting time! Off to buy my honey a birthday gift!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stress? What stress??

So everyone keeps asking me, 'are you all stressed out yet?' Nope. Sure aren't! I have been hoping to avoid the whole Bridezilla thing & so far seem to have succeeded... yay go me! Everything is coming together for the wedding, the bridegroom is still supportive & fabulous, my family is eager to help... no stress! Well, almost none. I am stressed about money, but that is nothing new. I am confident that we will find a way to pull another 2 or 3 grand out our asses in the next few weeks, but are running out of stuff to sell! Sigh... not worth stressing over tho is it?

On a good note (oh, I DO love a good note), I am flying home to NH tomorrow for my fitting & for my bridal shower. I am a little uncomfortable with the whole bridal shower thing...though I've been to many, I've never had a party thrown just for me & it's weird! My stepmother & BFF conspired to get me up there for the fitting so they could do this, it's very sweet :).

This week has marked the beginnings of a full month's testing at the INF doctor. Nurse Freckles found a new vein that she can get into easily (note to self...remember that one!) & Nurse Bosom did a scan and said the antral follicle count looked good. Soooo glad about that, can't grow more eggies if was low! I won't have the results of the blood work until I meet w/ Dr. HaventMetHimYetSoCantGiveHimAFunnyName at the end of August; though they did know that I am immune to Chicken Pox. Sweet.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Next, please.

Feeling a bit negative today... but trying to shake it. A few days late & was just starting to feel hopeful when I started spotting, instead. Oh well. Assuming this progresses in the normal manner, at least I can call the FS today & schedule this month's battery of testing... I really think I should be more excited about this.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Baby Week

What is it that makes me always turn to Discovery Health or TLC when there are baby shows on? It was Baby Week on DH this weekend & I kept it on while I did other things around the house. Watching it makes me feel jealous, heartbroken, sad & it always makes me cry... but I can't look away. It's like a train-wreck. I am happy for those people, I love to see the stories of miracles & much wanted families; I love to see the look on a new mother's face when she first hears her baby cry... I want that feeling so badly that my heart hurts with it.

When will I learn just to turn it off?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Moment of Grace

So, a few months ago I wrote this short story as a sort of personal therapy. It is a work of fiction, yet mostly true... If figure this is as good a home for it as any, no? Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you....

A Moment of Grace

I sat on the blanket, idly pushing sand around with my toes, my paperback forgotten at my side. I smiled faintly to myself at the sheer loveliness of my surroundings - so peaceful, so beautiful… so very mine for just a little while longer. It was not yet the season for tourists and perhaps a bit too cold for the locals, being only late February. I had this warm sun, this blue sky & this turquoise water (that only gave the illusion of warmth) all to myself this afternoon. I had decided to take off of work today to try to get some more of my ever growing to-do list checked off; but I knew I didn't stand a chance after my first trip outside to the trash bin. By the time I had headed back up the walk, my guilty smile was in place & I was wondering where I had stashed my favorite beach blanket. Before long, the Jeep was packed, and I was heading for the shore.

As I leaned back onto my palms to better allow the sun to bathe my face, I found myself surprised to be so at peace. Had I finally let go of the guilt? Stopped expecting to be berated & put down at every turn? My wonderful fiancĂ© had stoically put up with me talking about him so frequently; I was just so confused & surprised to find that there really was a good guy out there… and even though I knew better - I still expected him to change into that wienie that my ex-husband did right after we were married. He really didn't deserve that constant comparison, but thankfully I was able to accept all these wonderful things happening to me and move on, bit by bit. The guilt though, that took a little longer.

My thoughts were making me restless… so I decided to take a walk along the water's edge; the brisk breeze reminding me that it was not yet summer, despite the amazing weather. I laughed at myself, as it took a few moments to get rolled onto my knees & onto my feet. My thoughts drifted back… still amused by my sense of peace and wonder, my mind seemed determined to go over, again, what had brought me here. I had tried to be a good wife; despite the taunting, the drinking, and the general dysfunction of our lives, I put on a happy face - determined to try to make it work. I never saw my marriage being this way, and so quickly, too! Looking back, I knew I should never have married him so hastily - but he was everything I thought I wanted in a man, I found out soon enough that it was all pretend. Some sick insecurity of his that made him act how he thought I felt he should; a gentleman, kind, considerate, funny - he even pretended to be learned… HA! I thought I would enjoy life as a military wife; I was wrong.

After several years of dealing with his constant infidelity and struggling with depression, I thought I had been granted a reprieve; I was enrolled in college & he was being deployed to Iraq. I think that is where the guilt started… that I should be happy to not have to deal with him every day, to not have to be up all night dealing with a drunk who I just pray will finally pass out & stop tormenting me. Shouldn't I be sad that he is being put in harm's way? Upset that my husband is being taken from me plopped into a war zone? Yes, I cried - almost nightly. I loved him in my own way, but it had turned to resentment somewhere along the line.

Walking along, I chided myself for my forgetfulness in not applying sunscreen… my cheeks were starting to feel a bit toasty. I about-faced & headed back the other direction, letting my hair become even more unruly as it whipped about behind me. A gust of wind caught my dress and the white fabric billowed out, making me feel even more like a ship in full sail. The sun felt so warm on my back, it reminded me of shortly after his deployment, when I would come here to try to find myself. I shuddered, remembering how even from Iraq, he could make me cringe. It was not the reprieve I had hoped for - if anything, it got worse. I no longer had to worry about being pushed about by a drunk - but the emotional & verbal abuse tripled. He was able to call me constantly, if I was in class or a meeting at work and not able to answer the phone, I was subject to hours of doubtful questioning. I later learned that he was projecting his own guilt onto me; even from overseas, he was trying to set up clandestine meetings with women. It just wouldn't end.

My unhappy recollections were interrupted by the giggles of a woman; I looked up to find a pair of snowbirds, 80 if they were a day, completely oblivious to everyone but each other, walking along the shoreline. I smiled broadly at the pair, making room for them to continue on; now THAT is the sort of thing that gives a girl hope. I continued along with the sun on my back, following that enamored couple's set of footprints. As the weeks turned into months, I remember growing steadily more depressed; I vacillated between leaving him now, later, or staying and trying to make it work. We even tried to have a baby - but nothing seemed to work.

The turning point came on the evening of my 4th wedding anniversary. Alone with my thoughts & my school books, I was contemplating spending the evening walking the surf - as I was wont to do when my musings became too much to bear. When the cell phone rang, I immediately felt stress & terror… then relief when I see the smiling face of my girlfriend on the caller ID. She was tending bar just up the road & said that there a fella there, asking about me. I remembered the guy she described to me, very tall, very handsome & very sexy … totally off limits, but I was feeling restless & defiant. What was the harm in going down for a drink, right? I had met him once before, several months earlier at the same bar with my husband. That night was one of my husband's finer moments. I had played a few games of pool with some friends and this tall, handsome, sexy guy when my drunken spouse started pushing me around. In the interest of non-drama, I left for home; he followed some hours later after more disorderly conduct & and with a police escort. I learned later that he was "helped" from the bar, tossed like a sack of flour over the shoulder of the tall guy… I love that part.

So, off I went, willy-nilly; eager to do something, anything that would lift my spirits. I knew I was in trouble the moment I laid eyes on him. We hit if off immediately and I quickly fell into a dangerous affair. We spent every possible moment together; I hadn't had so much fun in longer than I can remember. I was happy and I didn't want it to end… I only felt guilty when I stopped to think about it, so I didn't stop much. We were so compatible, it just had to be wrong - at first I knew it had to end before it got out of hand, but then things changed. He offered to leave his job in another state & move to be with me; he never mentioned it, but we both knew what that would mean for me. I have never felt so reckless & sick to my stomach in my life - it was a blind leap into the unknown, but then I always imagined that the stuff worth going for would involve some risk. I loved this guy, so much & so fast.

When I finally left my husband - I was giddy. Free. Guilty. How do you tell our love story without letting people know that you left your husband while he was deployed in the service of our country? The reaction from people who didn't know him wasn't pretty - well I guess that's none of their business now is it? The ex certainly didn't make it easy - but really, what more could he do to me? We were a good year into our relationship before I stopped holding my breath, waiting for this to really be too good to be true. The divorce was final, I had my name back, and things were looking pretty good. Then I found out that the ex remarried just days after the divorce was final & they already had a child… I pretended not to care, but I was devastated. Not that he was married, I could care less, really… but the baby. It just didn't seem fair, we had tried for 2 years with no success - and then the minute he gets back to the States, he knocks a girl up? Ugh!

Through the grapevine I hear that he has stopped drinking, is trying to be a good person. I wish him happiness, I truly do - but why this jealousy? I finally came to the realization that I was angry that even after all he put me through, he was able to get such a precious gift. It took much self-examination to come to terms with it… it's all in the timing. I am very grateful, now, that I never had his baby - THAT is a connection that wouldn't be so easily severed! Maybe it was what he needed to pull him back from the brink; he was, justifiably so, a complete mess after I left him. Negative thinking was never my forte, so I was happier to put it behind me, finally.

I got back to my blanket to find the sand had drifted over it & it took a bit of rearranging to get settled again. I heard my cell phone beep from inside the depths of my bag - I dug for it, feeling a little sheepish for taking the day for my own selfish reasons. I found a message from my fiancĂ©; saying he was out early & thinking of taking me to the beach. "I love how you think, my boy… but I've beat you to it" I texted back. I sat a few minutes longer, making sure I had covered everything in my head & there were no more guilty thoughts to bring me down. I was sure I had them all, now; I felt at peace… I finally had my moment of grace. Gathering up my book & sandals, I stuffed everything down into my bag and with a deep breath, started my back & forth rocking to try to get my feet under me once more. The sun suddenly was shadowed & I heard a deep chuckle; I smiled as I looked up into the smiling face of my honey, amused by my unsuccessful attempt to stand. What timing! I grinned & held up my hands in a 'help me' gesture. He obliged me & hauled me up like I weighed next to nothing. "What have you been up to, slacker?" he asks me. I lie, "Oh, nothing."

Apparently picking up on my mood, he leans down for a kiss and turns me back into the wind for another stroll. We walked in companionable silence for a few minutes before he asks me, "So, have you decided on a name yet? We've not got much longer..." For a moment I remembered that was another tick on my to-do list back at the house… then it hit me. I thought about it one more second as I was flooded, once again, with that wonderful peaceful feeling. Stopping, I looked up at the love of my life & then back down to the hands that protectively covered my very pregnant belly, smoothing the fabric over our very own miracle. I met his eyes again & nodded, "Yes, I've decided. Her name is Grace."

Thursday, June 24, 2010

She's pleased...? Okay then.

A lil' background so this post makes sense... My last cycle (Round 2 of Clomid w/ Doctor Puffy Lips) produced 7 (yes, seven) follicles of sufficient size to ovulate; CD21 P4 testing confirmed O, along with my always handy BBT charting. Temps stayed elevated for longer than normal, and AF showed up 2 days late. In the meantime, I was getting these pesky faint lines on 3 different brands of HPTs, day after day... a line is a line is a line, right? Not so much. They wouldn't get darker & I've peed on waaaay too many of those suckers to believe a faint line when I see one.

So I haven't felt really well about my treatment thus far w/ Dr. Puffy Lips... he'd been my OBGYN for years & treated me through my ectopic. I like him fine, however he wouldn't listen to my concerns, refused to do any hormonal testing & thought a referral to a "real" RE was a waste of time when HE could treat me. I dragged my feet a bit but finally met w/ a real RE & am very glad I did! I felt so comfortable w/ Nurse Bosom & Nurse Freckles... they actually know WTF they are talking about... pretty fabulous if you ask me. Nurse Bosom thought it was horridly irresponsible that Dr. Puffy Lips was happy about medicating an already ovulating woman to produce 7 follicles...what if by some odds I'd gotten knocked up w/ 7 babies!?

And back around to the point. When I met w/ the Nurses Freckles & Bosom, they insisted on hCG blood testing & no treatment this cycle based on my reports of those pesky faint lines. So she called me back today & said I definately had had a chemical pregnancy. It was really sweet how nice she was being... almost like she thought I was gonna bust out in tears when she told me. I do appreciate the sensitivity though... it's nice to know that they aren't cold. But if a baby had survived these last few days... I would have been quite surprised. I am, however, surprised I haven't needed a transfusion... get where I'm going with this?

Anywho... Nurse Bosom said she was pleased with the chemical pg. I'm like huh? She said it meant I could concieve and that was good news. Okay then. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that, but I think it's a good thing, gives me hope. This is only the 2nd cycle after my HSG in April (1 tube (now?) open, 1 blocked), so I can only think things are looking up... after our ectopic 2 years ago... there has been nothing but disappointment, I'm about ready for some good news, okay?

It's All About Me

Okay, so I've decided to give this blogging thing a try... Lord knows I've got enough crap rolling around in my head - let's give it a home shall we?

Let's introduce ourselves... Hi! I'm Missy, aka Chicky. Chicky is a nickname given to me by my parents as a child... to be quite honest, I'm not sure where they got it... perhaps I should ask. I'm 33 and as I write this post, I'm less than 3 months away from marrying my very best friend. We are also TTC our first baby - yes, before the wedding, and no, I don't care. I've actually always thought it would be quite fun to be a pregnant bride.

I have potty mouth, laugh a lot, often act childish & enjoy wine. Alot. This blog is likely to be all over the place, because that's how I roll. With any luck, this blog will evolve into stories of a wonderful wedding, a happy wife & impending motherhood. That's the goal anyways, let's see how that pans out, yes?

Well, that was fun. :) Thanks for reading!