Friday, November 5, 2010

15w1d Update!

Life has been treating us pretty well these days, I'd say.  Our TV just died, the internet & cable got turned off (can't pay it till next week, sorry!), rent is still behind and my hubby is working 7 days a week/12 hour days.... but we are happy!  We are catching up on our bills, slowly but in the right direction.  Little Bean is doing wonderfully and we are really quite happy about it!

Monthly OB appointment was yesterday at 15weeks. I was hoping for an ultrasound, but got the doppler instead.  Was so fun to hear that heartbeat again & to see hubby's face light up when he heard it :)  Totally made my day... WHY don't I have a doppler yet!?? I really have to fix that.  But the best part is that I was able to schedule my Gender Scan!!  I am so excited to find out the gender... I am pretty convinced it is a girl, but totally prepared to be wrong.  Still almost 3 weeks away, I hope it goes quickly!

People are starting to ask on FB what names we've chosen & I'm just not sure I'm ready to share yet.... I don't give a hoot, really, what people think; but I am also not inclined to hear someone give me their negative opinion on a name that has taken us months to pick.  I know you can't please everyone, all the time, but I think once we know the gender & are 100% on the name, we'll share.  The girl name is easy... Genevieve Isabella. Classic, lovely, perfect.  The boy name is a bit harder.... early on we decided we would maybe use our fathers' names, because it would mean so much to them & we both love & respect our Daddies very much.  That name would be Nathaniel Grant (Father, FIL).  Good, strong name... perhaps Nate for short.  But i'm just not sure on it... I like it, quite a bit. But it doesn't do the same thing for me that the girls name does.  Also, I mentioned the name to my stepmother, whom I love dearly... and she was absolutely thrilled that we were thinking of using Nathaniel (my father, her husband) - apparently my cousins have said on several occasions that they were going to use the name but didn't. So it would mean quite a bit to them.  That alone makes me want to do it!

The only thing that makes me not sure is that our personality & style is quite different... the other name we are liking right now is Maverick Xavier.  Unique, strong, fun.  Certainly better than "Thor" (another story...).  So, I'm still a bit up in the air, I may wait until the gender scan to give it much more thought.  If it is a girl, well then... that was easy.  If it's a boy, I'll see how it feels then... and still have several months to change my mind. Because it's what I do best.  That, and trying to put my toaster away in the fridge...again.

Little Bean is doing well as far as I can tell, I increasingly feel stronger (though still slight) movements and 2 days ago, Hubby was able to see one of the stronger pokes, right through my shirt... "Whoa!!! How'd you DO that!?"  :) It was very cute, really.  More of a very small twitch, but at least it is starting to be visible... so fun!  One thing is for sure, though, I am getting progressively rounder.  That, in itself, makes me feel good; I keep expecting to find that the baby has stopped growing or something isn't right. We've waited so long for this, it still seems surreal to think that this may be my take-home baby... just unreal & I am loving it.  Taken in the bathroom at work... in a dirty mirror :)... Here's the proof that Little Bean is thriving: