Blech.... home sick, day 2. Hubby is recovering from the flu and I was afraid I'd caught it too... however, I think I've gotten lucky & it's just a sinus/ear infection combo. Still sucks, but it's way better than having flu while pregnant! Note to self: Go Get the Flu Shot! Head is pounding & a bit dizzy, but I seem to be on the mend... woot.
So last night I had a really cool (fever?) dream... I dreamt of my baby. I've dreamt of the same 2 children many times over the years, but I've never seen one of them in this much detail. In my past dreams, there is a blonde haired toddler boy & a dark-haired infant girl... and I know that they are mine. My gf who has some pyschic talents has told me that those are likely my children from a past life, coming to say hello... those dreams are always happy & peaceful. This same dear friend also read that she didn't think I'd ever have children... and while I didn't want to believe it, I also believe her gift is true and good. However, I also believe that circumstances change outcomes... I have had many changes in my life physically since that reading & believe that now I have children in my future, if I didn't then. Maybe that right tube was blocked before the HSG? Maybe my exposure to paint fumes at my last job was keeping me from becoming pregnnat? I don't know, but I'm glad I am!
Anywho... I'd always assumed that those 2 children were my future babies, but I often wonder if the little boy was my ectopic pregnancy... or will I get to meet him in April? It was the little girl that I dreamed of last night... she was perfect in every way... in my dream I was looking at her up close, loving every little detail. She was tiny, so I'm thinking newborn; a head full of dark brown hair, tiny perfect ears, little pink lips and fingernails & long lashed dark blue eyes. Very similar to how I looked as a baby, but enough differences that I knew I wasn't just filling in the blanks. Is this my sweet little girl I'll get to meet in less than 6 months? Oh, I do hope so.... Her dream image fits with the name we've chosen... Genevieve Isabella <3. I'm already in love!!
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