Wednesday, October 13, 2010

50 / 50

50/50... the chances of having a boy or a girl...more or less.  I can't help but think girl... but that may be because we both are hoping for a girl.  And in hoping, think I am jinxing myself and that I'll have a boy.  Which of course, is fine too!  Boy or girl, we'll be happy... but I want to know now. Not in 4 weeks, not in 6 weeks, now please.  Sigh... I'm rarely this impatient, but I'm dying to call her (him!?) by name and buy her cute little dresses (overalls!?) and pick out bedding.  Now that I am finally convinced that we are really gonna have this baby (yay!) and not checking my panties every time I wee for a tinge of red. Having this peace of mind now, I'm ready to start registering!

It took me over a year to come to terms with the idea of registries.... I love having them for when I need to buy someone a gift because I know what they want or need.  Plus it reduces the risk of getting duplicates and junk they don't like or need.  But for myself, I couldn't help but feel it was like asking for presents... a huge no-no!!  But, after many hours of pouring over Emily Post's words of wisdom & reading countless others' posts of their own registry woes... I think it's a good thing.

With four sets of First Time Grandparents eager to spoil their new Grandbaby... it'd be good to tell them what we need, right?  Otherwise we may end up with no crib but 3 Diaper Pails. =)  Can I register for a breast pump!?  I'm so clueless....

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to find out what we're having either! It seems like sooo long away!
