9dpo - early morning HPT test, kind of thought I saw a line... but it was after the time limit. Had already scheduled blood work scheduled and she submitted some to the lab for an Hcg quantitative test. Later that evening, I got nice solid positive test on an HPT, then another, then at DH's insistence, on the digital test. I was over the moon!
10dpo - Nurse Freckles called with the results of my Hcg blood work and the result was 10... positive but still low. Years of TTC has showed me that it's really early for a high number and you've got to start somewhere... so I'm not worried.
Subsequent blood work shows great rises on P4 & Hcg... I'm pregnant! At 6w4d, we went for a viability ultrasound and were SO relieved to find that the baby was in the right place and measuring a few days ahead. The tech surprised us by flipping on the speakers when she found the heartbeat... we got to hear it!! I had no idea that was possible that early... I babbled, grinned and cried, it was awesome.
A few days after this scan, we headed North for our wedding. We shared the happy news with or family & friends and had an amazing wedding. Everything was near perfect and we were so very happy with the way our lives are heading <3>
I am now almost 11 weeks... we had our second scan last week and got to see our tiny little bean kick and wave... totally amazing. We are so very happy. I'm having a bit of a rough time with nausea and vertigo, but all in all... so worth it.
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