Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Stress? What stress??

So everyone keeps asking me, 'are you all stressed out yet?' Nope. Sure aren't! I have been hoping to avoid the whole Bridezilla thing & so far seem to have succeeded... yay go me! Everything is coming together for the wedding, the bridegroom is still supportive & fabulous, my family is eager to help... no stress! Well, almost none. I am stressed about money, but that is nothing new. I am confident that we will find a way to pull another 2 or 3 grand out our asses in the next few weeks, but are running out of stuff to sell! Sigh... not worth stressing over tho is it?

On a good note (oh, I DO love a good note), I am flying home to NH tomorrow for my fitting & for my bridal shower. I am a little uncomfortable with the whole bridal shower thing...though I've been to many, I've never had a party thrown just for me & it's weird! My stepmother & BFF conspired to get me up there for the fitting so they could do this, it's very sweet :).

This week has marked the beginnings of a full month's testing at the INF doctor. Nurse Freckles found a new vein that she can get into easily (note to self...remember that one!) & Nurse Bosom did a scan and said the antral follicle count looked good. Soooo glad about that, can't grow more eggies if was low! I won't have the results of the blood work until I meet w/ Dr. HaventMetHimYetSoCantGiveHimAFunnyName at the end of August; though they did know that I am immune to Chicken Pox. Sweet.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Next, please.

Feeling a bit negative today... but trying to shake it. A few days late & was just starting to feel hopeful when I started spotting, instead. Oh well. Assuming this progresses in the normal manner, at least I can call the FS today & schedule this month's battery of testing... I really think I should be more excited about this.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Baby Week

What is it that makes me always turn to Discovery Health or TLC when there are baby shows on? It was Baby Week on DH this weekend & I kept it on while I did other things around the house. Watching it makes me feel jealous, heartbroken, sad & it always makes me cry... but I can't look away. It's like a train-wreck. I am happy for those people, I love to see the stories of miracles & much wanted families; I love to see the look on a new mother's face when she first hears her baby cry... I want that feeling so badly that my heart hurts with it.

When will I learn just to turn it off?