Thursday, August 5, 2010

Six Weeks & Counting...

Wow. Six weeks to the day left until the wedding, I'm starting to get nervous!! Nervous excited though, not nervous cold feet. :) The trip to NH went wonderfully, I had an awesome time with my friends & family & was spoiled rotten... life is good. The dress fits perfectly & I still love it... life is very good!

Monday marked the continuance of testing at INF office; Nurse Freckles had a little trouble finding a vein again, even last week's gusher wasn't cooperating. So, today it looks like I've got a track mark - but it seems to be fading. Also had the physical portion of my testing & all is well! It is looking like I will ovulate one egg (non-medicated) from my right ovary; I am pleased about this as it is the left side tube that is blocked. OPK is almost positive, maybe tonite... Welcome to Nookie Fest.

I am very sidetracked today... so much to do and so little time to do it! Oh, yay... quitting time! Off to buy my honey a birthday gift!